Is PC3 and DDR3 RAM the same? The number after DDR/PC and before the hyphen refers to the generation: DDR2 is PC2, DDR3 is PC3, DDR4 is PC4, and DDR5 is PC5.
Is PC3-12800 the same as DDR3? PC3-12800 (12800 MB/sec) is the same thing as DDR3 1600MHz (1600 MHz data transfer rate) and it runs at 800 MHz DDR clock.
Is PC3-10600 the same as DDR3 1333? There is no difference. The common module name of DDR-1333 is PC3-10600 , because its peak transfer rate is 10666.666… MB/s .

Is PC3 and DDR3 RAM the same? – FAQ

Can DDR3-1600 run at 1333?

Yes you can. But the 1600 will run at 1333. Footnote: This is also the case if you choose to use 1600MHz RAM on a motherboard that only handles 1333MHz – It’ll run as fast as it’s allowed to.

Can I replace PC3 with DDR3?

Yes, your laptop supports DDR3 (PC3- refers to DDR3) SODIMM memory, if the PC3L memory which you have is SODIMM (204pin) then you can install it with out any issues else if it is DIMM (240-pin) then don’t even think about it.

Is DDR3 1600 the same as PC3-12800?

New chipsets and processors from AMD® and Intel® now support memory operating at 1600MT/s (aka 1600MHz). DDR3-1600 memory has a module classification of PC3-12800, which effectively means the peak data rate of the module is 12.8GB/sec (see table). That’s about a 17% improvement on memory bandwidth over DDR3-1333.

What is DDR3 backwards compatible?

Therefore, all parts marked as DDR3L or DDR3L-RS are backward compatible to parts marked as DDR3, and meet the JEDEC 1.5V voltage level operation specifications. This is in compliance with both Micron and JEDEC specifications.

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What RAM is compatible with DDR3?

This means that if the motherboard specifies DDR3 RAM, then its DDR3 RAM only that should go into the RAM slot. All other RAM wouldn’t work.

Can I use 12800 and 10600 RAM together?

The answer is yes.

Can I use 1066 and 1333 RAM together?

You can mix RAM of both speeds (1066/1333). The system will automatically use the slower speed, but there is no risk of system crashes.

Is PC3 10600 the same as DDR3?

Actually these are technically the same thing both refers to DDR3–1333 standard memory which has a peak transfer rate of 10,666 MB/s the standard is to truncate the last 2 digits and express the transfer rate as PC3–10600 however some sources might fail to do this.

Can I install 1066 and 1333 RAM together?

Technically yes. Your motherboard will automatically down clock the 1333 RAM to 1066 to match the other stick. However, it’s always a good idea to buy modules in pairs.

What is the fastest DDR3 RAM can go?

What is the Fastest DDR3 RAM? The highest tier DDR3 RAM can run at speeds up to 3000Mhz, but the fastest ever recorded DDR3 clock speed was attained by professional overclocker, James Trevaskis, who managed to push a 4GB DDR3 – 3000Mhz G.

Can you mix RAM speeds DDR3?

While you can technically mix speeds, there is one important thing to note: your DRAM would all run at the speed of the slowest module. For example, if you have a DDR3 1333MHz system and install a second module at 1600MHz, they would both run at the 1333MHz speed.

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Is 16GB DDR3 enough for gaming?

16GB is the recommended amount of RAM for playing most games and will provide a noticeable increase in performance from 8GB. You will also be able to run applications in the background without affecting gameplay.