Does the baby in KKH grow up? Just like all characters in the game, at the moment babies do not age.
How many babies can you have in the Kim Kardashian game? Once you decide to have a baby, there is no way to give it up or exchange it for another. Just like all of the characters in the game, babies do not age. At this time, you can have a maximum of two babies. Same-sex couples can both have a baby and adopt a baby.
Can you play Kim Kardashian on two devices? Kim Kardashian: Hollywood can be transferred between 2 devices on the same platform, such as an old Android phone to a new Android phone. If your game is saved through Google Play, log into Google Play on your old device and open Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.

Does the baby in KKH grow up? – FAQ

How do I have a baby in KKH?

In order to have a baby, you must be at least Level 9 and own a home. Kim will then ask you to volunteer at the adoption center. Complete that quest to unlock the option to adopt or have a baby.

Can Kim have another baby?

She would use a surrogate again if she were to have another child,” the source said explained. “But having more kids is not something that Kim can say no to. She is still young and she loves being a mom. She knows the demands of raising children and she can balance that with a career.

Can husband stay overnight in hospital KKH?

Visiting hours are from 10.00am to 8.00pm daily. For single-bedded A1 rooms, your husband / partner is allowed to stay overnight in the room, at no extra charge. Children are not allowed to stay overnight in all wards.

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What level in Kim Kardashian game can you get married?

In order to get married: you must have a relationship level of 250 or higher. At that level. you only have to date & speak to your partner to trigger a proposal, provided you have been on more than a couple of dates. This triggers additional tasks that must be completed prior to the wedding event.

What’s the highest Dating level in KKH?

After reaching level 7 in the game, you will unlock the Top Couples list feature in the game.

What is the highest level in KKH?

Your ranking is determined by your position on the Top Stars list. They are sorted into six different lists, Unlisted being the lowest rank to the A-list being the highest rank.

How do I backup Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

iCloud and Google Play will back up your game as you play. To save your progress, log in to Google Play (on Android devices) or iCloud, (on Apple devices) play the game for some time to ensure your progress is saved to that service.

Can you change husbands appearance in Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

If your spouse is an NPC [Non-Character Player] the outfit will change right away. If your spouse is a real-world friend, it’s up to that user to dress their avatar in the clothes you have bought them. Note that Facial or Hair customization options can be gifted to NPCs only – not to real-life friends.

How do you hang out with Kim in KKH?

Tap the VIP icon in any of your homes. Select a VIP and tap the Call button. Talk to the VIP to start your hangout.

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How do you unlock the bedroom in KKH?

The locked bedroom in your home is designated for the nursery. This room will only become available once you have either adopted a child or have a child with your partner.

How to get a free wedding dress in Kim Kardashian Hollywood?

After talking to Kim Kardashian about your new engagement, she will advise you to purchase a dress for your wedding. The conversation with Kim will automatically unlock the wedding collection in your wardrobe.

Why did Kardashians use surrogates?

Well, according to a source, the use of a surrogate is down to “medical reasons: “There were medical reasons that factored into her decision to use a surrogate, but not putting such a strain on her body was a huge motivation”, they told Heat Magazine.