How do I get IMDb TV on Kodi?

How do I get IMDb TV on Kodi? First, click the Videos tab on the left-hand side of Kodi’s main page. Right-click (long-press on touchscreen devices) each file or folder and select Edit Source. You’ll be given the option to … Read More

Why is iTunes not working on Windows 7?

Why is iTunes not working on Windows 7? iTunes won’t install on Windows 7 error may occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Click Start, type “Services. msc” and press “ENTER” -> Double-click Windows Installer -> Set the … Read More

Is PC3 and DDR3 RAM the same?

Is PC3 and DDR3 RAM the same? The number after DDR/PC and before the hyphen refers to the generation: DDR2 is PC2, DDR3 is PC3, DDR4 is PC4, and DDR5 is PC5. Is PC3-12800 the same as DDR3? PC3-12800 (12800 … Read More

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